Organization Name: Casa Sueli Carneiro

Focus Area: Adult Learners
Region: Brazil / Latin America
Sector: Non-Profit
Investment Year: 2023
Casa Sueli Carneiro (CSC) was created to celebrate the legacy of Black philosopher, writer and anti-racism activist, Sueli Carneiro and to continue her work of strengthening Black thought and activism. For many years, the physical space of CSC, which was Sueli’s home for 40 years, served as an informal space for countless meetings for the Black movement and the Black Women’s movement.

Why We Invested

There are five pillars to CSC’s work: popular education, the production of memory, Black activism, and communication and narrative. CSC’s work on popular education focuses on increasing the visibility of work and materials from Black thinkers, and to train new leaders for the Black movement.We invested in CSC because we believe that their work can help strengthen Blackness consciousness and memory, which are foundational for the Black movement, especially within Quilombola communities.

It is important that people understand how racism structures everything in society and realize their role.The role of activists and intellectuals is fundamental for all of Brazil. One of our main goals is to have more Suelis Carneiros: more political leaders, Black women and men who contribute to the transformation of our society.
Bianca Santana, Executive Board Member, Casa Sueli Carniero