Organization Name: Redes da Maré

Focus Area: Littlest Learners / Growing Learners / Adult Learners
Region: Brazil / Latin America
Sector: Non-profit
Investment Year: 2022
Redes da Maré (Redes) is a civil society institution that works to strengthen the quality of life and guarantee rights of more than 140 thousand people who live in the neighborhood of Maré in Rio de Janeiro. Their work includes projects and initiatives around five focus areas: art and culture, communications, territorial development, education and public safety.

Why We Invested

Redes da Maré is an inspiring example of community-led work driving systemic change in communities and influence in policy. The Redes team see themselves as “weavers” in the system – working to “weave” people, information, partnerships and powerful connections in order to catalyze change. Redes actively listens to the community, produces knowledge about their rights and mobilizes them around actions that improve their quality of life. Through projects like art groups and manifestations, free university prep courses, local community newspapers and many others, it sheds light on the strengths, potential, and beauty present in the city and its people. Their work is also contributing to significant progress in racial equity both inside and beyond their city. We look forward to learning from Redes on how community-led initiatives can catalyze transformative and sustainable change for its people.

A Redes da Maré é uma instituição da sociedade civil que produz conhecimento, articula e mobiliza os moradores das 16 favelas da Maré, além de diferentes parcerias, para elaborar e realizar projetos e ações que impactem e possam ser referências na luta pela efetivação dos direitos da população da região.
Eliana Sousa Silva, Founder, Redes da Maré