Organization Name: Mahin Consultoria Antirracista

Focus Area: Adult Learners
Region: Brazil / Latin America
Sector: Non-Profit
Investment Year: 2023
Mahin Consultoria Antirracista (Mahin) envisions a Brazil where racial democracy is a fact, not a myth. To do this, Mahin believes that getting there will require radical commitment to anti-racism from leaders across different sectors. To achieve this, it offers workshops and training programs to help leaders and organizations become aware of structural racism in Brazil, its history and daily presence in today’s society.

Why We Invested

Many leaders in Brazil have a very limited repertoire to discuss racism. Ethno-racial equity is still seen as a marginal agenda, disconnected from what governments and organizations do. Actionable change and progress on this front requires knowledge development among key leaders who can influence the implementation of public policies that promote ethno-racial equity. We are supporting Mahin because we believe that it can become a significant actor in the Black movement in the coming years, especially given their expertise on the subject, and how much they embody the idea of learning and adaptation.

The journey towards a real transformation of reality is long, but it is not done alone. And having those who have gone before me and those who are by my side is what gives me the strength to continue with my commitment, to continue on the road.
Giovani Rocha, Co-founder, Mahin Consultoria Antirracista