Vinice Davis

Vice President, Head of US Program
Location: United States
Focus Area: Littlest Learners / Adult Learners
Regional Focus: United States
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Meet Vinice, Vice President, Head of US Program at Imaginable Futures. She leads the US team and strategies which focuses on furthering early childhood education and the postsecondary success of adult learners with children with an explicit focus on equity.

Prior to joining Imaginable Futures, Vinice served as the chief operating officer of Purpose Built Schools Atlanta, a partnership with Atlanta Public Schools established to turn around several of the city’s lowest performing schools. She was responsible for developing the infrastructure for finance and accounting, human resources, facilities, IT and operations for the organization.

In previous roles, Vinice was vice president of improvement services for AdvancED where she led the systematic evaluation of multiple low-performing schools throughout the US and designed the principal capacity assessment. At KIPP Atlanta, she served as the managing director of operations and led the implementation of talent management and school operations for more than five years. Vinice supported charter school openings at the New York City Charter Center. In addition, she was a human capital consultant with Ernst & Young. Vinice currently serves on the boards of All Our Kin, Education Leaders of Color, and TNTP, Inc.

Of what professional accomplishment are you most proud?

I’m most proud of building a sustainable back-office infrastructure and helping to open new schools (creating more than 1,000 new high quality seats for children) at KIPP Atlanta.


Why do you love coming to work?

I love coming to work because I get to work with people who truly believe in centering the voice of the learner in our work and endeavor to impact the most lives as possible.

What lessons did you learn early in your career that you keep with you today?

Hold true to your integrity and show up as your authentic self every day.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was 7, I changed my aspiration from wanting to be a lawyer to a judge because I wanted to be the decision-maker.

Where is your happy place?

Besides home, lying on a beach when the sun is at its peak.

What’s the closest thing to real magic in this world?

The sound of children playing.

If someone narrated your life, who would you want it to be?

Angela Bassett

Favorite season?

Spring. I love listening to birds chirp, seeing flowers bloom, and feeling the progressing heat.

Favorite quote:

“Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” -- Maya Angelou

What do you imagine or wish for the future?

For our future, I imagine a world where all children and their families have the resources to live thriving, safe, healthy, and curious lives.